Women in Business Correspondence Outperform Their Male Counterparts

A recent report by PayNearby and Grameen Foundation for Social Impact has shed light on the importance of supporting women business correspondents (BCs) as they excel in engaging female customers, earning higher transaction values, and enjoying more benefits than their male counterparts.
According to the report, women BCs receive 66 per cent higher transaction values compared to those handled by male agents. Additionally, women earn 24.4 per cent more on average while interacting with female customers, which suggests that these individuals feel more at ease conducting higher-value transactions with people of similar gender.
The report highlights that 60 per cent of female BCs struggle to balance their professional and personal responsibilities, underscoring the need for systemic support and targeted interventions tailored specifically towards women BCs. This calls for addressing the challenges they face in pursuing financial independence through BC operations.
In terms of preferences regarding work-life balance and professional development, the survey found that 45 per cent of women value flexible working hours, outpacing 38 per cent of male counterparts. Conversely, 58 per cent of women prefer attending workshops and seminars to stay updated, whereas 49 per cent of men preferred reading industry publications for professional growth.
The joint report on the Gender Gap in the BC Industry by PayNearby and Grameen Foundation for Social Impact underscores the dualities faced by women BCs – opportunities amidst barriers – as they pave their way toward financial liberation.