What a beautifully written recap of the midseason finale of Outlander! You've highlighted the emotional depth and complexity of the characters, as well as the show's ability to balance drama and humor.

The chapter on Young Ian is particularly poignant, highlighting his inner turmoil and the weight of his decisions. The scene where he says goodbye to his son Iseabaíl, a grave stone marker in hand, was devastatingly tragic. His longing to be with Jenny and Rachel, despite the risks involved, makes for a heartbreaking moment.
The introduction of Claire's journey to help Lord John Grey's nephew is also well-wrought, if not entirely believable. The contrast between Claire's urgency to travel and Jamie's need to remain behind creates tension, even if it feels slightly convenient in retrospect.
The section on Roger and Buck's misadventure through time is a highlight, with the two of them facing comedic mishaps and unexpected encounters. The reveal that they are "fairymen" (a nod to their true identity as time-travelers) adds a touch of whimsy to an otherwise precarious situation. And who can forget Geillis Duncan's infamous appearance? The show never fails to surprise us.
Throughout the recap, your writing is engaging and empathetic, doing justice to the rich emotions and storylines of Outlander. The show's ability to make viewers laugh and cry in equal measure is a testament to its exceptional storytelling and characters.