Tale of Perseverance: Shalini Joslin Empowers Women with Entrepreneurial Success

Kochi, Kerala - December 2024 (Alayaran.com)
Shalini Joslin, the founder and principal designer of The Carpet Barn, has taken the nation by storm with her inspiring tale of overcoming adversity to achieve triumph. Speaking at the recent Malayala Manorama Sampadyam Kerala Business Summit 2025, Joslin shared her phenomenal journey from a single mother struggling to make ends meet to establishing herself as one of India's most successful entrepreneurs.
The renowned business leader shared that she had always been driven by a passion for designing and creating customised carpets but faced numerous rejections when attempting to secure funding. Banks refused to provide loans and many others told her to step down, citing lack of capital as an insurmountable hurdle. Undeterred, Joslin embarked on a journey of self-discovery to explore the carpet industry in India.
Her quest led her to Uttrakhand's village of Badhohi, where most Indian carpets are produced. Recounting her experience at the 2019 Women Economic Forum, Joslin mentioned how learning about this labor-intensive cottage industry transformed her business plan. Focused on meeting skilled artisans and wove intricate designs using various hues helped turn her idea into a profitable business.
Through hard work and perseverance, The Carpet Barn has grown to become one of Kerala's most prominent customisable designer carpet stores dedicated entirely to carpets in the state. Having bagged large-scale projects such as carpeting at the Cochin International Airport's Third Terminal, Joslin has proven that determination can lead to triumph no matter what.
She remains a beacon of hope for aspiring female entrepreneurs seeking opportunities in India's growing startup ecosystem. Sharing her story, "It is okay if you fail, but do not give up on your dreams," Joslin urged the audience to pursue their passions with unrelenting dedication and conviction.
Breaking down the barriers posed by patriarchal norms and encouraging courageous women to create lasting impact through entrepreneurship has never been more crucial for driving economic growth.