Rajasthan Takes Proactive Measures To Combat Seasonal Diseases

Rajasthan Takes Proactive Measures To Combat Seasonal Diseases

Jaipur: In an effort to combat the increasing cases of swine flu, Covid-19, and influenza in the state, the Rajasthan health department has issued crucial instructions for the separate management of patients infected with these viruses.

According to a letter issued by Dr Ravi Prakash Mathur, director, health department, 921 cases of swine flu and Covid-19 were reported in Rajasthan between January 2024 and March. The majority of these cases have been observed in the winter season, prompting everyone to remain vigilant and adopt treatment protocols as per the standard operating procedures.

As a result, the superintendents of all government hospitals have been advised to establish separate outpatient department (OPD) and inpatient department (IPD) arrangements for suspected patients with swine flu and Covid-19. Furthermore, the authorities have also been instructed to create isolated wards within IPD facilities to provide necessary care to severe cases, thus safeguarding other patients in general wards from contracting these diseases.

The move is aimed at containing the spread of seasonal diseases further, as the healthcare department seeks to be proactive in preventing outbreaks and mitigating their impact on the community.