Pigeons: Harbingers of Respiratory Risks

Pigeons: Harbingers of Respiratory Risks

Mumbai and Pune Experiences 150% Increase in Pigeon Populations, Worry Over Public Health Issues Grow

In a shocking turn of events, the urban populations of Mumbai and Pune have witnessed an astonishing 150% increase in pigeon flocks. This sudden proliferation has led to public health concerns that are taking center stage.

As bird droppings and feathers accumulate on buildings, municipal authorities believe that the risk to human health is severe enough to prohibit feeding pigeons in certain areas. The presence of these birds may seem harmless but poses significant respiratory risks due to their ability to harbor allergens and pathogens like pathogenic fungi.

The Dose of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), also known as pigeon breeder's lung, is a disease that affects individuals exposed to avian proteins. These fungi, when inhaled, can cause inflammation and lead to severe respiratory symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, breastlessness and difficulty breathing.

Experts Stress Importance of Awareness

Dr. Rohan Aurangabadwalla, Consultant Pulmonology at Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai, emphasizes the need for public awareness. "Public education on pigeon health risks is crucial in managing pigeon populations."

Protect Yourself from Birds Droppings Following guidelines will help minimize risks:

  1. Refrain from Feeding Pigeons: Reduce consumption of food scraps to deter birds.

Seal Entry Points: Keep balconies and vents air-conditioning, windows sealed.

Protect Health & Take Caution Regular Clean: Ensure homes are regularly cleaned to prevent exposure to bird droppings & materials dust. All personnel involved in cleaning material dust must be wearing protective clothing

Deterrents Install Use Nets or Sides to Block Landing Windowsills and rooftop