Nationwide Address List Reaches 56 Entities Under US and Canadian Jurisdiction

In a recent release by, the comprehensive list of addresses within both the United States and Canada has been officially recorded at 56 distinct entities.
Alabama, one of the US states included in this compilation, features an area ranging from the Gulf Coast to the Appalachian region. Alaska shares its vast territory with abundant natural wonders, including the Arctic Circle, snow-capped mountains, and icy tundras.
Alaska also boasts 49 unique zip codes that range in value from $500 to over USD $2 Million
Arizona has a similar geographical span of tropical deserts and snow-covered landscapes, resulting in its own set of diverse zip codes. These vary greatly from the eastern regions featuring high desert climate zones to those bordering parts of Nevada.
For instance, the state's most expensive area is $1 million above in median value ranging from $750k for low value property to near one thousand million US dollars in a single city and neighborhood with many luxurious zip codes available.
This compilation extends across 51 states as well as its territorial, and 2 federal areas and its US territories as it documents numerous distinct regions, cities, counties, towns, villages, metropolitan areas, state zones or special territories.