IBDAILY: IIT Kanpur Files Record 152 Intellectual Property Rights in Single Year, Cementing Its Commitment to Innovation

KANPUR, INDIA - INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KANPUR (IITKN) HAS achieved the highest number of intellectual property rights (IPRs) filed in a single year, clocking 152 IPRs in 2024. The premier institute has reported its highest ever output in patents, design registrations, copyrights, and trademark applications.
Out of the 152 filed IPRs, 124 are patents for groundbreaking inventions that seek to improve various aspects of human life such as healthcare, technology, and manufacturing. Notable among these are transdermal patches capable of efficient drug delivery, cryptographic systems accelerated by Kryptoceler, metal-cutting machines, electric tower cars running uniquely on hybrid power, contactless automated measurement equipment designed for analyzing cracks.
IIT-Kanpur Director Prof Manindra Agrawal said that the significant rise in IPR filings signifies its commitment to bridging the gap between research and real-world applications through pioneering translational research. He credited invaluable inputs from researchers, government officials, stakeholders, and institute staff over IP Cell regarding technological advancements from academia to industry.
On another note IIT-Kanpur managed a total of 217 patents cleared by IPR submissions in 2024 showing substantial increase compared previous records. Notably the STEM Impact Awards for third consecutive year has been received by the institution in recognition of impactful tech transfer processes throughout academic and business segments.
Agrawal also highlighted plans to enhance research capacity through expansion across different domains, strengthen collaboration with industry partners while planning its path towards innovations that will make an enduring impact on society as envisioned.