HMPV Warnings Loom: Expert Advises Parents on Viral Infection Prevention

HMPV Warnings Loom: Expert Advises Parents on Viral Infection Prevention

A Chinese surge in HMPV (Human Metapneumovirus) infections has prompted a call for vigilance from the World Allergy Foundation, with immunologist Dr. Vyakaranam Nageshwar urging parents to take proactive measures in protecting their children.

According to Dr. Vyakaranam, antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections and can often cause more harm than good by weakening the child's gut immunity. As such, he advises parents to avoid self-medication with antibiotics altogether.

"There is no major role for antibiotics in fighting off viruses, but they can certainly damage a child's gut immune system," Dr. Vyakaranam cautioned. "It's crucial that we avoid giving them antibiotics when they're necessary and promote prevention over treatment."

To protect their children from HMPV and other viral infections, Dr. Vyakaranam recommends several measures:

  • Encourage hydration: Offer children natural drinks like lemon juice regularly
  • Protect from extreme temperatures: Avoid exposing children to cold temperatures, which can exacerbate the risk of infection
  • Sunlight therapy: Ensure children take regular sunbaths (10 am - 4 pm) for at least 40 minutes week, boosting Vitamin D levels
  • Nasal irrigation and throat gargling: Perform these daily tasks with normal saline water or lukewarm salt solution to clear out viruses from the upper airways
  • Dietary precautions: Refrain from giving children outside food high in sugar, which can cause gut disturbances

In addition to these measures, Dr. Vyakaranam emphasizes the importance of recognizing symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, and rashes.